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2024 Legislative Watchlist

玛雅吧2APP倡导小组积极监测有可能影响小企业社区的问题. Some of these issues are in the form of introduced bills; others are in draft form. Here’s the current watchlist of issues in which our team is engaged.

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Consequences of “Adopt and Amend” decision

The Michigan Supreme Court is currently considering action that would increase the minimum wage, change paid sick leave requirements, and eliminate the tipped wage altogether. 法院的负面裁决将主要摧毁餐馆和服务业, but effects would reverberate across all fields and would hurt small business owners, consumers, and service workers, alike. The Court will reach a final decision on this case sometime between now and the end of June. If the Court rules negatively, sam将与立法者合作,寻找解决方案,减轻密歇根州小企业主的这些后果.

Unemployment Benefit Expansion

兰辛一直在努力提高失业保险的最高福利金额和资格周数. These increases would be from $362 per week to $602 per week, with an automatic annual increase, and from 20 weeks to 26 weeks of eligibility.  SBAM感到关切的是,失业保险局(UIA)没有成功地解决失业保险局系统内的系统性欺诈问题,也没有将100%雇主资助的UIA信托基金恢复到大流行前的水平. Business owners trust the UIA to be good stewards of their funds, and efforts to increase amount and duration will make that job impossible. SBAM will vehemently oppose any benefit amount or duration increase until concerns are resolved.

Local Preemption Repeal – House Bill 4237 (Andrews); House Bill 5533 (Neeley); Senate Bill 171 (McCann)

Michigan law requires that all rules pertaining to labor regulations be set at the state level, which sets a consistent regulatory framework across the entire state. Bills currently under consideration in the House and Senate would allow Michigan’s 1,800+ local units of government to enact their own regulations governing minimum wage, sick leave, and other labor requirements. For small business owners, 他们很少有时间和资源去密切关注地方官员们千变万化的突发奇想, this bill would destabilize and complicate the environment in which they do business. Additionally, for owners operating multiple locations in different municipalities, this bill would require them to remain complaint with a complex patchwork of different, sometimes overlapping, regulations.

Mandatory Paid Leave Benefit – Senate Bills 332, 333 (Geiss); House Bills 4574, 4575 (Scott)

虽然立法者目前大多搁置了带薪休假的讨论(他们正在等待一项研究,该研究将于2024年秋季发布)。, 就在不久之前,州长和立法领导人还把这个问题列为头等大事. SBAM继续监测一项特别的立法提案,该提案将创建一个新的数十亿美元的计划,要求所有雇主每年提供长达15周的间歇性带薪病假. The program would be funded through a payroll tax, similar to the current unemployment system. 该计划不仅会增加雇主和雇员的税收,还会将商业决策权从人力资源部门和企业主手中移走, and into the hands of the state government. 

Two Week Predictive Scheduling Mandate – House Bill 4035 (Hope)

拟议的立法将允许州政府对零售业的时间表制定进行重大监督, hospitality, and food service industries. 众议院第4035号法案将要求雇主提前14天公布时间表,并包括对雇主的各种其他新规定. Under this bill, 员工不能被要求在没有提前两周安排的情况下轮班,如果他们的班次被取消,他们仍然需要全额支付工资, or if they were sent home from their shift early. Momentum behind the idea has stalled for now, but SBAM continues to watch it closely because of the serious impact it could cause.


最近在州参议院通过的一项法案将大大扩大对小企业主的现行工资要求. If the bill becomes law, 劳工和经济机会部(LEO)将为所有从事国家项目的承包商和分包商建立一个项目登记系统和工资数据库, including certain wind, solar, and energy storage projects. 投标这些项目的承包商将被要求在该部门注册并提交工资记录. 这些法案在先前制定的反小企业法律的基础上加倍努力,使小企业在竞争国家项目时更加困难和负担. The bill awaits hearing in the House.

Mandatory Automatic IRA – House Bill 5461 (McFall)

众议院最近提出的一项法案将为所有目前不向员工提供退休福利的雇主创造一项新的授权. 该计划将要求雇主为符合条件的雇员提供国家管理的个人退休账户计划. sam的立场是,授权对小企业来说是有害的,代价高昂,不是有效的解决方案. 除了私营部门已经提供给员工的服务外,该计划不会为员工提供额外的价值或福利. To the extent that the state wishes to be involved in this space, 他们应该努力为小企业主提供高质量的选择,而不是强迫他们管理这个项目.

Workers’ Compensation – Currently still in draft form

Michigan’s current workers’ compensation system is a no-fault system, 这意味着雇主不受员工诉讼的影响,作为交换,雇主必须及时赔偿工资损失和工伤人员的医疗福利, regardless of who was at fault. Michigan’s law is used as a model across the country. While no official bills have been introduced in the legislature to change that system, conversations have been gaining traction. 这些讨论的变化将允许受伤的雇员在某些情况下对雇主提起民事诉讼, exposing employers to significant litigation. 潜在的变化还可能软化工作要求,同时增加每周工资损失福利, 导致工人赔偿保险费大幅上涨,并使密歇根州处于竞争劣势.

Restrictions on Independent Contractors – HB 4390 (Haadsma)

Last year, there was concerning momentum around House Bill 4390, which would implement a California-style “ABC Test” in Michigan. 该法案将严格限制在日常业务过程中使用独立承包商. 虽然该法案目前似乎被搁置,但sam也对编纂的努力感到担忧 recently implemented Department of Labor contractor standards into state law. 这些规定通常是一个“钟摆问题”,会随着哪个政党入主白宫而发生变化. Enshrining current standards in state law would lock Michigan into the current restrictive, subjective standards, and would set Michigan’s business behind other states.

“Bad Faith” Bills – House Bill 4681 (Breen); Senate Bill 329 (Irwin)

House Bill 4681 and Senate Bill 329 would create new restrictions for auto, property and casualty, and workers’ compensation insurers that require them to pay claims in a timely manner, oftentimes before they have full time to investigate. 虽然这项立法的既定目标是阻止保险公司延迟付款, 该法案的措辞将使保险公司面临一连串的诉讼,他们将被迫支付高额和解金和原告律师费. These costs will be passed down to ratepayers in the form of higher premiums. 其他追求类似立法的州也看到了无谓诉讼的急剧增加,消费者面临的价格也更高.